With that introduction, I move on to note that ALL has an axe to grind with Planned Parenthood. From the ALL web site: Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is the nation’s largest operator of abortion facilities in the United States and has admitted to committing over 4,000,000 post-implantation abortion procedures since it first started doing them in New York state in 1970.
While this sky-is-falling rhetoric is enough to incense any God-fearing pro-lifer into fire-bombing the nearest PP office, I note from About.Com: Only 3% of Planned Parenthood's services are abortion services. The other 97% includes testing and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, contraception, cancer screening and prevention, and pregnancy testing and prenatal services.
However, if I think ALL is over-emphasizing PP's involvement in abortion, I find that ALL does take exception to everything PP does. Why? Because it relates to sex. And how does the ALL view sex?
The sexual drive in human beings was created by God to fulfill two interrelated purposes—to bring a close union between a married man and woman engaging in intimate sexual behavior (the "unitive" purpose of sex), and to provide a means to propagate the race (the "procreative" purpose of sex). To be true to the natural law that guides all human action, any act of sexual intercourse must occur within marriage and be open to both the unitive and procreative purposes. (from the page on PP)
From there ALL clearly states that it is immoral for Planned Parenthood to facilitate sexual intercourse outside of marriage. Likewise, it is immoral for PP to promote and distribute products, such as those listed above [contraceptives, etc. and IUDs], as well as condoms, which artificially attempt to render procreation impossible, even to those who are married. From here, ALL goes on to say that PP is promoting "secular humanism", a non-theistic philosophy which rejects the supernatural and thus rejects God and admits to no objective moral code.
When it comes to sex (I am so tempted to write "come" with a U), ALL pulls out all the stops.
Planned Parenthood promotes a type of sex-education for children that denies the very truth and meaning of human sexuality. Such perverted education breaks down natural inhibitions. As a result, there is an increased demand for artificial birth control and abortion. A long-term effect of such education is that it tends to create citizens who will support PP’s agenda.
Merde de taureau
If you've read any of my previous postings, you will know that nothing infuriates me more than people who attempt to support their political, religious or moral agenda by issuing statements of supposed fact with no corroborating evidence. Yep, they give no concrete evidence, no statistics, nothing which could be confirmed by a university sanctioned analytic methodology of double blind testing with a statistically significant cross-section of the population. Nope, I have a direct link to the Almighty Himself and I know what He wants. How odd. My God just told me you don't know what you're talking about. (I think he meant you're full of s**t, but He's a polite god.)
Such perverted [sex] education breaks down natural inhibitions. As a result, there is an increased demand for artificial birth control and abortion.
In my blog posting Abortion: My final word on unwanted pregnancy, I point out the following which may seem counter-intuitive to some but which clearly demonstrates that what you believe to be right may not be the right way of achieving your goal.
Huffington Post - Feb 24/2009
"Pro-Life" Movement Admits Pro-Abortion Stance by Cristina Page
Sometimes referred to as "The Pro-life Paradox," researchers and women's health advocates in recent years have drawn attention to the disparities between the mission statements of so-called "anti-abortion" groups and the effects of their policies. For example, the countries considered the most "pro-choice," where contraception is widely available and abortion is legal, and often free of charge, are those that also have the lowest abortion rates in the world. The countries with the highest rates of abortion are those that have adopted the policies of the so-called "anti-abortion" movement and have banned abortion and opposed efforts to make contraception more widely available.
I am "pro-choice" and "anti-abortion"
I'm repeating myself bla bla bla but will do so here one more time. What does an abortion represent? An unwanted pregnancy. How to stop a pregnancy from being unwanted? Only get pregnant when you want. If every pregnancy was a "wanted" pregnancy, there would be no abortions. Why would anybody abort what they wanted? This is so freakin' obvious, I have no idea why we are even discussing this. Two plus two equals four, right? But oh no, somebody has to come along and throw a monkey wrench into the whole shebang by then saying the only way, yes the only acceptable method of not getting pregnant is to not have sex. *stunned silence* Yeah, right. Like that is going to happen. And yeah like me as a man, I'm going to vote for that? Never mind fluoride, the authorities should be putting Depo-Provera in the water. (Wikipedia: Chemical castration)
Sex is bad! bad! bad!
Sex is a wonderful, beautiful thing. For a lack of a better way of expressing it, I will say that it is truly a gift from God. But we collectively are so confused about it, so embarrassed by it and so afraid of it that we avoid it like the plague in the hopes we will never have to deal with this most personal of issues.
The following video, published by the ALL, portrays Planned Parenthood in the most negative of lights. The narrator starts off by saying that PP is "obsessed with sex". (Hmmm, is my plumber "obsessed" with plumbing?) Here are few lines to whet your appetite for watching this most unbelievable of videos.
What is truly shocking is how these perverts are allowed unfettered access to our children
Just as the goal of a drug deal is to make drug addicts, Planned Parenthood’s goal is to make sex addicts. And they follow the same business model. For instance, Planned Parenthood’s gateway drug is masturbation.
Uploaded by AmericanLifeLeague on Feb 27, 2012
Hooking Kids on Sex II
Planned Parenthood exposes children to sexual material in order to seed a generation of sex addicts, who will become future customers for the abortion giant. This report exposes Planned Parenthood's sex-education programs, using images from Planned Parenthood's own websites, social networks, and events.
Final Word
How do you spell double U tee eff? It's at this point I put one elbow on my computer desk, lean over and put my forehead in the palm of my head. Oh... my... gawd... Over the past few years, I have heard right-wing people in criticizing Barack Obama make comparisons to Nazi Germany, trying through hyperbole (I think they actually believe this to be a valid comparison) to make things out worse than they are. But just imagine what would happen if Rick Santorum or Michele Bachmann or even the president of ALL, Judie Brown, somehow came to power. We would all be knocked back to the dark ages. We would be burning people at the stake, using blood-letting as a home remedy and putting chastity belts on girls. Am I exaggerating? Planned Parenthood gone. Legal abortions gone. Sex Education gone. Free condoms gone. Sex gone. It would truly be George Orwell's 1984 with its dystopian double speak and mind control. Your dalliances would be secretive, shameful, and under risk of discovery. ... No wait, that's right now!
Ladies and gentlemen, we are so in trouble. But do we know it? Instead of opening the door and bringing into the sunshine what is a normal, God-given part of our human existence, there are those who want to padlock the door then nail it shut to never ever deal with the issues hidden behind it. Perverted? I'll tell you who's perverted.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go take a cold shower before I commit a "thoughtcrime" and end up having to take a hit of my gateway drug.
Wikipedia: American Life League
The American Life League (ALL) is one of the largest pro-life organizations in the United States. The organization opposes abortion under any circumstance, contraception, embryonic stem cell research, and euthanasia. Its current president is co-founder Judie Brown and its headquarters are in Stafford, Virginia
In the mid-1990s, the American Life League boycotted the Walt Disney Company over the film Priest, in which a Roman Catholic priest deals with a variety of issues including his own homosexuality. Subsequently, ALL charged that Disney had concealed subliminal sexual messages in the animated films The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, and Aladdin. Disney denied all claims made by American Life League.
official web site: American Life League
American Life League is a 501(c)(3) organization co-founded in 1979 by Judie Brown and nine other dedicated pro-life Americans. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life education organization in the United States. ALL is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. It is rooted in pro-life integrity that stands up for every innocent human being whose life is threatened by what Pope John Paul II called "the culture of death." That ranges from the single cell human embryo to the elderly, the infirm and others at risk of having their life terminated by acts of euthanasia. The pro-life position notes that neither abortion nor euthanasia can ever be medically necessary or morally permitted.
Wikipedia: Judie Brown
Judith Ann Limbourne "Judie" Brown (born March 4, 1944, Los Angeles, California) is the president and co-founder of the American Life League, reportedly the largest Catholic pro-life organization in the United States. It was founded in 1979.
The Washington Post Sep 1/1995
Disney's Loin King? Group Sees Dirt in the Dust By Leef Smith, Washington Post Staff Writer
You say you've watched "The Lion King" 50 times with your children and never caught the "sex" scene?
The most recent example, it says, involves Simba, star of Disney's "Lion King." Forlorn over the death of his father, the young lion flops dejectedly on the ground near the edge of a cliff. The result, offended viewers say, is a cloud of dust particles that swirls and swoops to form the word "sex," and then quickly fades away.
ALL says it first learned about the "Lion King" scene in July when a New York woman called to say that her 4-year-old son caught the message. The group -- which began a boycott of Disney films in April to protest the movie "Priest," saying that it misrepresented the Catholic Church -- claims the company has a long history of sneaking "sexual messages" into its animated films.
In particular, ALL has denounced a scene in "Aladdin" in which it says a voice whispers, "Good teenagers, take off your clothes." The Disney script reads: "Scat! Good Tiger. Take off and go."
Even more troubling, the group says, is a scene in "The Little Mermaid" in which the minister at Ariel's wedding allegedly gets an erection. Disney says the critics are seeing the minister's knee.
About.Com: Reproductive Rights and Issues
A great divide exists in this country, fueled by the debate over reproductive rights, contraception and prevention. Many thoughtful and passionate arguments have been put forth by pro-life and pro-choice advocates, and legislation has shifted back and forth over the years. Yet neither has seen a firm resolution to the ongoing conflict over Roe v. Wade.
About.Com: What does Planned Parenthood do? What are their services? Do they do mammograms? by Linda Lowen
Only 3% of Planned Parenthood's services are abortion services. The other 97% includes testing and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, contraception, cancer screening and prevention, and pregnancy testing and prenatal services.
38% - Testing of and treatment for Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections (STDs/STIs)
33.5% - Contraception (including reversible and permanent)
14.5% - Cancer screening and prevention
10.4% - Other women's health services
3% - Abortion services
0.6% - Other health services
About.Com: Planned Parenthood / Susan G. Komen Funding Flap - Controversy and Repercussions by Linda Lowen
Many blamed Komen's policy change on one woman -- a recent addition to Komen's management team, pro-life advocate Karen Handel. Opponents noted that during a failed gubernatorial run in Georgia, Handel had made clear her intent to defund Planned Parenthood if elected and had continued to purse that agenda in her new position at Komen.
It took less than a week for controversial Komen Vice President Karen Handel to step down from her post at a breast cancer charity organization that could do no wrong until it attempted to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. What a difference a week makes. Gone is the universal goodwill toward Komen, gone is the grassroots support of millions of women who have been touched by breast cancer, either in their own lives or in the lives of those they love, and gone is the brand that made pink ribbons ubiquitous in our culture. What arose out of the debacle are three key points:
- much of the nation still doesn't understand what Planned Parenthood does
- the politics of how decision are made are frequently masked
- the power of social media cannot be underestimated as a tool of political activism
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You always give me a chuckle, Mr. Belle. And in the name of a good cause at that.
I was amused (distraught?) to read something earlier today on the NYT relative to the contraception debate (debacle), with the Elephants (in the room?) screaming unconstitutional when it came to insurance companies covering contraception, citing God, etc., as is often the case.
Hmm. Ironic, no? Last I remember, separation of church and state was a founding father principle.
Damn. We should have allowed a few founding mothers in that (w)holy masculine alliance. Perhaps we have enough (un)holy masculine mothers in the contemporary debate - as usual, using a woman's body as the battlefield?
I'm just seeing this story.. incendiary as usual.
"When it comes to sex (I am so tempted to write "come" with a U), ALL pulls out all the stops." That about sums it up.
ALL talks about sex to 'propagate the human race'. Scary....
And, this week in Virginia "We" are again trying to shut down a woman's right to abortions.
Head to desk, indeed.
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