Lakmé: Dôme épais le jasmin Mallika: Sous le dôme épais où le blanc jasmin L.: À la rose s'assemble, M.: À la rose s'assemble, L.: Rive en fleurs, frais matin, M.: Sur la rive en fleurs, riant au matin, L.: Nous appellent ensemble. M.: Viens, descendons ensemble. L.: Ah! glissons en suivant M.: Doucement glissons; De son flot charmant L.: Le courant fuyant; M.: Suivons le courant fuyant; L.: Dans l'onde frémissante, M.: Dans l’onde frémissante, L.: D'une main nonchalante, M.: D’une main nonchalante, L.: Gagnons le bord, M.: Viens, gagnons le bord L.: Où l'oiseau chante, M.: Où la source dort. L.: l'oiseau, l'oiseau chante. M.: Et l’oiseau, l’oiseau chante. L.: Dôme épais, blanc jasmin, M.: Sous le dôme épais, Sous le blanc jasmin, L.: Nous appellent ensemble! M.: Ah! descendons ensemble! L.: Mais, je ne sais quelle crainte subite s’empare de moi. Quand mon père va seul à leur ville maudite, Je tremble, je tremble d'effroi! M.: Pour que le Dieu Ganeça le protège, Jusqu'à l'étang où s'ébattent joyeux Les cygnes aux ailes de neige, Allons cueillir les lotus bleus. L.: Oui, pres des cygnes aux ailes de neige, Allons cueillir les lotus bleus. L: Dôme épais le jasmin M: Sous le dôme épais où le blanc jasmin ... L.: Nous appellent ensemble! M.: Ah! descendons ensemble! | Thick dome of jasmine Under the dense canopy where the white jasmine, Blends with the rose, Blends with the rose, Bank in bloom, fresh morning, On the flowering bank, laughing in the morning, Call us together. Come, let us drift down together. Ah! Let's glide along Let us gently glide along; With its enchanting flow The fleeing current; Let us follow the fleeing current; On the rippling surface, On the rippling surface, With a lazy hand, With a lazy hand, Let's go to the shore, Come, let's go to the shore Where the bird sings, Where the spring sleeps. the bird, the bird sings. And the bird, the bird sings. Thick dome, white jasmine, Under the dense canopy, Under the white jasmine, We call together! Ah! Let's drift down together! But, an eerie feeling of distress overcomes me. When my father goes into their damned city I tremble, I tremble with fright! In order to be protected by Ganesh Let us go to the pond Where swans with wings of snow joyfully play And pick blue lotuses. Yes, near the swans with wings of snow, And pick blue lotuses. Thick dome of jasmine Under the dense canopy where the white jasmine, ... We call together! Ah! Let's drift down together! |
Uploaded on Jun 6, 2007 by OpusBoa
Dame Joan Sutherland, Jane Berbié, Orchestre national de l'Opéra de Monte-Carlo & Richard Bonynge
Wikipedia: The Flower Duet
"The Flower Duet" (French: Sous le dôme épais) is a famous duet for sopranos from Léo Delibes' opera Lakmé, first performed in Paris in 1883. The duet takes place in act 1 of the three-act opera, between characters Lakmé, the daughter of a Brahmin priest, and her servant Mallika, as they go to gather flowers by a river.
Wikipedia: Lakmé
Lakmé is an opera in three acts by Léo Delibes to a French libretto by Edmond Gondinet and Philippe Gille. The score, written in 1881–1882, was first performed on 14 April 1883 by the Opéra Comique at the Salle Favart in Paris. Set in British India in the mid-19th century, Lakmé is based on Theodore Pavie's novel (including "les babouches du Brahamane") and novel Le Mariage de Loti by Pierre Loti.
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