Same sh*t, different day. There really isn't much point in discussing
this topic as I've said it all before. One of the reasons I stopped
writing here was because I began to realize I could take an article from
several years ago, copy and paste it into a new article, change a few
dates, and have a new posting. In other words, we are all dealing with
the same issues; it seems like nothing has changed.
However, I did think I ran across two points worth noting. |
C is a long-standing friend. We normally don't talk about politics, but it has come up a few times and I've learned he's Republican, and I'm suspicious he's MAGA.
In a discussion about abortion, he said this: He and his wife had a beautiful daughter. His daughter had beautiful grandchildren. In light of the beauty these births brought into his life, he could never be pro-choice.
That sums it up quite nicely. People see the world through the lens of their own experiences and can't imagine anything else. C can't picture any circumstances where an abortion would be justified. Time and time again, I've seen pro-life advertisements with the picture of a smiling baby, usually a white baby by the way, as if every gestation is destined to wind up in a similar fashion. Since Roe vs. Wade was overturned, as of this writing, 17 states have banned or severely restricted abortion access. There have been numerous headlines of women dying because they were denied a life-saving abortion. And it appears those same states have banned or impeded any investigation into deaths attributable to their abortion laws.
So much for freedom. Pro-choice says have an abortion or don't have an abortion, it's your choice. Pro-life says we make the law, and nobody gets an abortion. Is it murder? I can't think of anybody other than a mother who loves a child, cares for it, and protects it with her own life. And yet, millions of women all over the world have abortions and do NOT feel they are committing murder. My body, my choice. Hello, Christian Taliban! I'm right and everybody else is wrong.
The Economy
In mid-2024 on Facebook, I got into a back and forth with a MAGA. He said the most important thing for him was the economy. I'm not sure why he thought t**** was gong to solve all our problems. However, he added that for him, abortion was an unimportant secondary issue. Economy first, nothing else matters.
How curious for a man to say abortion is not important. - Did I manage to write enough sarcasm into that statement? - Once again, people are only concerned with what's important to them, and they will ignore anything else, even voting against it because they're not affected by it.
I've seen a number of reports and interviews where MAGA women have said the economy was their most important concern, and they, too, would vote Republican essentially voting against their own sex. How curious.
A Personal Note
In 1937, abortion was illegal. My grandmother got pregnant for a third time and decided to have a backroom abortion. It was botched. She died. My mother lost her mother at the age of eight. My grandfather lost his wife. I lost the opportunity to ever meet my grandmother. I'm sure if she had had proper medical care, things would have gone well and she would have lived.
I posted this story here on my blog and somebody commented that my grandmother was a murderer and deserved to die. People can be cruel.
Final Word
I could go on but why bother. Nothing I say is going to have any effect one way or another. People are going to do what they're gong to do. Who cares who dies? Who cares about freedom? I'm right, and everybody else is wrong.
I started this blog in 2010 as my soapbox to spout off about what I think. We are quite literally talking about the same things. Nothing has changed.
my blog various artticle on abortion
my blog Pro-lifers are morally superior to the rest of us.
1,200 words, 6-minute read
Full disclosure: I'm a libtard, a badge I wear with great pride. To borrow from the 1960s hippies, I'm a peace, love, and understanding type of guy. And if you haven't guessed, I'm pro-choice but let me add a seeming contradiction: I, too, am anti-abortion. This is elective surgery and represents an unwanted pregnancy. If all babies arrived at the right time, if all pregnancies were wanted, nobody would have an abortion.
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