Saturday, 8 February 2025

Transgender Statistics: The world is not coming to an end.

Considering how much transgender pops up in the headlines, one would think the entire world is transitioning. But consider this: I'm 72 years old as of this writing, and I've never met a transgender person in my life. Not once. What gives? Things trend on social media, and we may mistakenly think it's more common than it actually is. Our view of the issue is distorted. Old saying:

If you can't properly assess an issue, how can you properly address it.

Full disclosure: I am a white, native-born, Christian, heterosexual male. I grew up in the 1950s and the 1960s in an upper middle class white neighborhood. My life was pretty much as pristine as the society depicted in the 1950s black and white TV comedy series Leave It To Beaver. I mention this because I can't help feeling the American Right is nostalgic for the good ol' days: no gays, no blacks, no immigrants, no transgender, and Mom stayed home in the kitchen. What an eye-opener when I got out into the world and discovered all sorts of things I never knew existed.

But rather than panic, I've tried to understand. Other people are living lives I know nothing about, and I don't classify them as better or worse just different. It's important for me to understand, to see beyond my own limited experience. Let's delve into my research. FYI: Most of my stats will be American numbers.

For the United States (source):
  • 0.5% of the population is transgender, about 1.6 million: 1.3 million adults, 300,000 youth. Based on a U.S. population of 339 million, that works out to 1 in 200 is transgender.
  • Of the 1.3 million adults who identify as transgender, 38.5% (515,200) are transgender women, 35.9% (480,000) are transgender men, and 25.6% (341,800) reported they are gender nonconforming (as of yet, undecided).
For Canada (source):
  • 0.33% of the population, about 100,815 adults (age 15 and older) are transgender (59,460) or non-binary (41,355)
  • Among transgender people, 53% were women and 47% were men.
Note: I'm not an expert. I'm learning as I go along, and I'm doing my best to understand a topic with which I'm not acquainted.
  • Transgender = the person does not see themselves as their gender at birth and want to transition to their preferred sex.
  • Non-binary = the person does not see themselves as male or female. I say undecided as my research suggests these people may settle on a specific gender at some point.
In my 2022 research Dave Chappelle, Ricky Gervais, J. K. Rowling, and the Third Gender, I uncovered the following, referencing Wikipedia and Anthropological Theory: An Introductory History (2007) by Richard Warms, Richard L. Warms, R. Jon McGee:
  • Transgender has existed for thousands of years and been readily accepted by other cultures.
  • Transgender is relatively new to western culture.
When I saw relatively new to western culture, I immediately thought of what people seem to do when confronted by something new. First, they don't believe it's true. Second, they mock it.

I'm a male. I was born a male; I was raised as a male; I've lived my life as a male; and I will die a male. I've never had any doubt about being a male. I'm saying this to emphasize I have no personal experience with gender dysphoria. Thank God, I have enough problems. But I've seen enough to conclude this phenomenon is real, not some made-up bullsh*t, as detractors would have us believe. I may not suffer from it, but some people do experience it. I can't dismiss it as fake or crazy; it's real. Note: In my research article, I describe all the instances I've indirectly run into transgender in my life which made me understand it is very much a real thing.

So, why the panic? If I read the headlines or browse postings on social media, you would think transgender is all over the place. Somewhere, I saw it reported some people were mistakenly estimating transgender at 21% of the population, not 0.5%. Wow! No wonder they're freaking out! But let me add that mixed up with these numbers are people like Elon Musk who has ostracized his own son now daughter because she was made transgender by the "woke mind virus". I'm sorry, woke mind virus? Transgender has existed for thousands of years, but Elon, like much of western culture, hears about it for the first time and thinks this is something new. Gays, lesbians, transgender, etc. are not converted, perverted, or talked into becoming what they are. Although, it would seem there is a significant portion of the population who may think so. I note that the American Psychiatric Association in their publication The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders listed homosexuality as a mental disorder up to 1973.

The media reports over and over again about transgender women. I'd say some of the public are going absolutely nuts. Note the above statistics. 480,000 transgender women (men transitioned to women) equals to 0.14% of the entire population (339 million). That's one in 706 people.

You will note that the above stats include women transitioning to men. A transgender man is a woman or was a woman. As a man, should I be worried about a transgender man (woman) in the washroom with me? As a man, should I be worried about a transgender man (woman) competing against me in sports? I'm sure you're chuckling about that which leads me to ask: Are we worried about the right things?

J. K. Rowling and statistics
In my research article, I ran across a four-thousand-word essay by the author of Harry Potter where she states there are only two genders, male and female, and expresses her worry about transgender women (men) in the women's washroom, fearing unwanted sexual aggression. Are we worried about the right things? It was obvious to me she knew nothing about history, knew nothing about the phenomenon, but still adamantly stuck to an opinion which, according to my research, was not based on fact. No man is going to go to the trouble of supposedly switching genders for the express purpose of molesting women in the women's washroom. While anything is possible, the probability of such a thing has to be just this side of zero. In other words, the point of her essay is absurd, based on some unfounded, deep-seated fear. She even admits in her essay that all this is triggered by some personal event in her life. I couldn't help thinking Harvey Weinstein would explain that any man can walk into a women's washroom at any time to molest someone. No need to change genders.

Approximately 687,000 men are convicted sex offenders and around 210,000 of those are convicted rapists, and around 52,000 of the 172,000 female sex offenders are convicted rapists. According to the US Census Bureau, US population is 159 million males and 165 million females. So that's 0.4% of men who are convicted sex offenders and 0.1% who are convicted rapists.

If I go by 0.14% of the population is a transgender woman (formerly a man), that means out of 687,000 convicted sex offenders, 961 are possibly transgender women. J. K. Rowling is freaking out the 961 but has nothing to say about the other 686,038. Are we worried about the right things?

"There are two genders." - President Donald Trump

During the pandemic, everybody became an epidemiologist. Now, everybody has become a biologist. I repeat: My research shows transgender has existed for thousands of years and been readily accepted in other cultures. Nobody knows history. And nobody knows stats. The chances of your average person ever seeing a transgender person in real life is slim.

But let's talk biology. Answer me this: Why is a gay person sexually attracted to their own sex? Detractors of transgender say there are only male and female. Fine. Let me remind those people that we all born with the same basic sex organs but at around the sixth week of gestation, our development branches, and we form into either female or male. In other words, I could argue we all have a bit of both male and female.

But I repeat: Why are gays gay? Why are bisexuals bi? Is there something in us which exists separately from our obvious physical beings? There's white, and there's black. And in between, there are any number of shades of gray. But can I say with certainty what's gong on? As I said, I'm heterosexual. But I've seen enough to realize that not everyone is heterosexual. In other words, other people have experienced something I have not, but that doesn't mean I dismiss their experience as invalid. I don't suffer from claustrophobia. Do I dismiss people who are scared of riding in elevators?

Statistically speaking, the vast majority of people are heterosexual. But if we are complacent and rely strictly on our own personal experience, we can't see, we can't imagine anything else. And yet, other things do exist. It would be a mistake to judge the entire world based on what we can only see in our own backyard.

Ally McBeal
This was a comedy-drama which ran from 1997 to 2002. It had an unusual feature: a unisex washroom. There were scenes when both men and women would be there at the same time: a man standing at a urinal talking with a woman in a toilet stall. It seemed different but normal. It was no big deal.

And yet, law makers have been busy codifying restrictions to ensure biological gender determines who goes where. Apparently, to some people, this is a big deal. There's a humorous observation about entertainment events pointing out how the line-up at the men's washroom is shorter than the line-up at the women's washroom. I still remember intermission at a theatre production and having to use a toilet stall because there were too many guys lined up at the urinals. As I'm standing there, I look down and see in the next stall two pairs of women's high heels. As I'm washing my hands, two women come out of the stall and exit the men's washroom, giggling. They obviously circumvented the long line at the women's washroom by breaking with social norms. Did the Earth open up and swallow them whole into the gates of Hell? I point out Ally McBeal. Who cares? Dear Washington: I don't care if a transgender man (formerly a woman) comes into the men's washroom with me. In fact, I don't care if a woman comes into the washroom with me. We all have to take a piss. We're all adults. Let's break with tradition and stop freaking out. The Earth is not going to stop rotating.

Amy Hamm: Transgender is a threat to women.
I had never heard of this woman until I ran across an opinion piece in the National Post.

Amy Hamm: Donald Trump's defence of women's rights is glorious by Amy Hamm, National Post, Jan 22/2025
This has been steadily more evident for years, but the moment President Donald Trump placed pen to page on his Jan. 20 executive order, written by his deputy assistant, May Mailman, “Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government,” it became undeniable. In western nations, if you care about women, you must look to your right. The left betrayed us all — and it’s an audacious lie to pretend otherwise.

Ms. Hamm's article is a strange rant against transgender. The idea doesn't just make her feel uncomfortable; she seems to be threatened by it. She's under attack. But why? As I read her other articles, I discovered Ms. Hamm has a website caWsbar, Canadian Women Sex-based Rights. This, too, is a strange rant against transgender. I can't help thinking that for Ms. Hamm, transgender, for whatever reason, seems to represent an existential threat to her sexuality. How curious.

When Black Lifes Matter appeared on the scene, it wasn't too long until we saw White Lifes Matter. This is a good example of a phenomenon I've seen over and over again. Some marginalized group protests for their rights and the immediate reaction of other people is What about my rights? There is no attempt to understand, just this self-absorption in their own situation. Somebody else asking for their rights is not trying to take away your rights.

I don't suffer from gender dysphoria. But if a woman steps forward proclaiming she's a man, my first thought isn't that my masculinity is under attack. If a man tells me he's a woman, good luck with that, not that there was a chance we were going to be intimate.

Dylan Mulvaney and Bud Light
If you're unfamiliar with this story, you can browse Wikipedia Bud Light boycott. I'd say this issue just about sums up everything about transgender in American society. The whole thing, in my opinion, got completely out of hand. If people had merely ignored the ad campaign, it all would have quickly disappeared. Instead, the detractors managed to elevate it to a height it did not deserve.

I don't drink Bud Light. I don't look at advertisements in general, beer commercials at all. I don't care. This has nothing to do with me. It is of no concern in the grand scheme of things. Then I read the headlines. Holy cr*p! It's WWIII! Double tee eff! I both laughed and cringed at all the videos of people using various weaponry to shoot up cases of Bud Light. "Stop shoving your leftist ideology down my throat!" I'm always amused at how The Right seems to lack self-awareness. They don't want anybody to shove their ideas down their throat all the while shoving their ideas down everybody's throat.

Recently, I saw a commercial for Ben & Jerry's ice cream espousing their left-wings views. Maybe the company felt good saying out loud what they thought were good ideas, but I looked at the reaction from right-wing sources and it wasn't good. Is running a commercial enterprise and doing political advertisements a good idea? Is that the right time and place to discuss politics? I think they made a mistake. They're going to hurt their business, and they are not in any way going to convince anybody of the correctness of their views. They're merely going to look like a crazy.

I've never met a transgender person in my life.
I wanted to add this side note. I said I've never met one, but the truth is I don't know. Why would being transgender ever come up in a conversation? Neighbors, people at work, the incidental people who are part of day-to-day life. The private information of our lives like our sexuality never comes up. Despite all we read in the news, I'm sure your average transgender person doesn't run around bragging about their transition to everybody they meet. Heck, I don't brag about being heterosexual. It's not important for one important reason: I never have sex with 99.999999% of the people I meet. Who cares? Heck, I don't tell 99.999999% of the people whether I like sushi or not. The topic never comes up because we never have a meal together.

What do I really think?
As I said, I'm male and have never thought otherwise. But let me recount a story from my research article.

In 2017, on a social media platform, I run into a person identified by a female avatar, Alice. We chat, the usual small talk. But then, things turn serious, and Alice decides to tell me her story. Alice is actually Frank, a 55-year-old man transitioning to a woman. Frank was born male. He grew up male. He went to school, graduated, and found himself a career as a male. He got married and had two children. At the age of fifty, he decides to come out. His wife is accepting but she said she couldn't live as a lesbian, so they get a divorce, remaining good friends and still co-parenting. Frank sends me a real-life photo of himself. I see a man, wearing makeup and a wig in a dress. He looks nothing like a woman; he looks like a man in drag.

Our conversation came to an end, and we went our separate ways never to see one another again. However, I've thought about this story on many occasions. What trials and tribulations was Frank going to face? What ridicule? Obviously, this was important to him, or he wouldn't risk it all, but I still found it incredible that he gets through fifty years of his life as a man but now feels it is of the utmost importance he finds the real him in a woman.

What to make of Frank? Is he dangerous, and should he be locked up? Is he crazy, and should he be put in an institution under psychiatric care? I repeat I've seen so many stories like Frank's I've come to realize there's something going on. I don't know what exactly, but I know it's real.

Real World Example
A friend of mine, JM, is a nurse. She works mainly in the O.R. (Operating Room) assisting doctors in surgery. I was telling her about this article and asked if she had any experiences with transgender. She recounted one time where a man had gone through surgery, and she had the job of getting him comfortable afterward for recovery. In the process of adjusting the sheets, his gown rode up and she saw this man had female genitalia. She mentioned this to the doctor, and he just shrugged. He was aware that the man in question was actually a woman living as a man. JM and I discussed the statistics I had uncovered: there are about the same number of women transitioning to men as men transitioning to women. And more than likely, transgender people live a quiet life, their transition never becoming public knowledge.

Final Word
Methinks they doeth protest too much.

Transgender has turned into a hot topic and consequently appears frequently in the media. However, to me, the statistics indicate people are overreacting. While this may be an important issue, its prevalence or lack thereof is not equal to the amount of column space it gets in the news.

But the hate this topic generates! People like me who have no personal experience with transgender have turned into some sort of frothing at the mouth lunatic rallying against all that is LGBTQ. It's like this represents some existential threat to their very existence. This is a personal afront to all that they hold dear. I've written on social media: Dear LGBTQ: Everybody back in the closet!

Over and over again, I run into people voicing an opinion about a topic they know nothing about. Dunning-Kruger at its finest. Rather than taking the time to understand, it's immediate condemnation. They have no workable solution; they want the topic and the people involved to disappear. They don't want to see it, hear about it, or ever have to talk about it. Their reaction is visceral and grossly out of proportion to the phenomenon. Hate! Hate! Hate!

It saddens me. I've heard it said that while humanity has the advancements of splitting the atom, walking on the moon, connecting the world with the Internet, and the marvel that is AI, we have not advanced one iota in our spirituality. We are self-centered, arrogant, and belligerent. We are a tribal animal with a disdain for anyone not part of our group. We profess love but so often hate. We say we seek science but too often remain intransigent in our beliefs. Just because I'm not transgender, that doesn't mean transgender doesn't deserve their place in the sun. We're all in this together.


Wikipedia: Demographics of sexual orientation
Obtaining precise numbers on the demographics of sexual orientation is difficult for a variety of reasons, including the nature of the research questions. Most of the studies on sexual orientation rely on self-reported data, which may pose challenges to researchers because of the subject matter's sensitivity.

my blog: Dave Chappelle, Ricky Gervais, J. K. Rowling, and the Third Gender - July 13/2022
It is apparent that not one of the above people have heard of The Third Gender, a concept which has existed for thousands of years and has been accepted in other cultures, but which is, according to Wikipedia (referencing Anthropological Theory: An Introductory History (2007) by Richard Warms, Richard L. Warms, R. Jon McGee), still somewhat new to mainstream western culture and conceptual thought. I return to our initial reaction: We don't believe it exists and ridicule the idea.

Wikipedia: Transgender
A transgender (often shortened to trans) person is someone whose gender identity differs from that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth.

Wikipedia: Dylan Mulvaney
Dylan Mulvaney (born December 29, 1996) is an American social media personality known for detailing her gender transition in daily videos published on TikTok since early 2022. Before coming out as a transgender woman and launching her internet career, Mulvaney performed as a stage actor in Old Globe Theatre, Off-Broadway, and Broadway productions. She gained a higher profile on social media platforms after her interview with U.S. president Joe Biden at the White House, during which they spoke about transgender rights. After Bud Light sent a beer can to Mulvaney for an Instagram promotion in 2023, American conservatives led a boycott of the brand.


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